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أسرة الموقع ترحب بك و نتمنى أن تكون بتمام الصحة و العافيه


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2 مشترك

    Mathimatics For Forth Primary - Term Two - Summary of Equal fractions and simplification of fractions

    Asmaa Mahmoud
    Asmaa Mahmoud
    Site Administrator
    Site Administrator

    عدد الرسائل : 982
    العمر : 37
    Location : egypt / Giza
    Job/hobbies : math teacher
    Skills/Courses : thinking
    Mood : Mathimatics For Forth Primary - Term Two - Summary of Equal fractions and simplification of fractions 9jerrp9
    الأوسمة : Mathimatics For Forth Primary - Term Two - Summary of Equal fractions and simplification of fractions 56329909uu9
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/03/2008

    Mathimatics For Forth Primary - Term Two - Summary of Equal fractions and simplification of fractions Empty Mathimatics For Forth Primary - Term Two - Summary of Equal fractions and simplification of fractions

    مُساهمة من طرف Asmaa Mahmoud الثلاثاء 05 أغسطس 2008, 11:02 am

    Mathimatics For Forth Primary - Term Two - Summary of Equal fractions and simplification of fractions

    Unit one : Normal fractions
    - We can add and substract fractions if it has similar denumerators
    - To compare between two fractions which have similar denomerator, we compaer between its numerators where the smaller fraction which has smaller numerator and the bigger one which has the bigger numerator.
    - To compare between two fractions which have same numberator, we compare between its denomenators where the smaller fraction which has bigger denomenator and bigger fraction which has smaller denomenator.
    - If we add fractions with similar denomenator, we add numerators only and we write common denomenator as it is.
    - If we subtract fractions with similar denomenator, we subtract numerators only and we write common denomenator as it is.
    - If we add or subtract fractions with different denomenators, we must make its denomenators similar at first, then we add it.
    - At multiplication of fraction by a normal number, the result is fraction its numerator is the multiplication of numerator of the fraction by the number and denomerator of result is the denomenator of the fraction.
    - The result of multiplication of fraction by normal number = the result of multiplication of normal number by fraction.

    مدرس نشيط
    مدرس نشيط

    عدد الرسائل : 79
    العمر : 38
    Location : cairo
    Job/hobbies : instractor:math teacher
    Mood : Mathimatics For Forth Primary - Term Two - Summary of Equal fractions and simplification of fractions Jadesg3
    تاريخ التسجيل : 17/04/2008

    Mathimatics For Forth Primary - Term Two - Summary of Equal fractions and simplification of fractions Empty رد: Mathimatics For Forth Primary - Term Two - Summary of Equal fractions and simplification of fractions

    مُساهمة من طرف galeluo الثلاثاء 05 أغسطس 2008, 11:26 am

    Mathimatics For Forth Primary - Term Two - Summary of Equal fractions and simplification of fractions 11cy0xi0

    thank you miss asmaa for ur attendens
    and i hope more success

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت 21 سبتمبر 2024, 8:31 am