Mathimatics For Forth Primary - Term Two - Summary of Equal fractions and simplification of fractions
Unit one : Normal fractions - We can add and substract fractions if it has similar denumerators - To compare between two fractions which have similar denomerator, we compaer between its numerators where the smaller fraction which has smaller numerator and the bigger one which has the bigger numerator. - To compare between two fractions which have same numberator, we compare between its denomenators where the smaller fraction which has bigger denomenator and bigger fraction which has smaller denomenator. - If we add fractions with similar denomenator, we add numerators only and we write common denomenator as it is. - If we subtract fractions with similar denomenator, we subtract numerators only and we write common denomenator as it is. - If we add or subtract fractions with different denomenators, we must make its denomenators similar at first, then we add it. - At multiplication of fraction by a normal number, the result is fraction its numerator is the multiplication of numerator of the fraction by the number and denomerator of result is the denomenator of the fraction. - The result of multiplication of fraction by normal number = the result of multiplication of normal number by fraction. |